"Fairy Fun Kick-Off" Peabody Hotel Book Signing Recap

Did we find Roxie?

As we say in the South, “I’m a day late and a dollar short”, but I do want to let you know The Fairy Fun Roxie Kickoff October 7th at The Peabody was a rousing success…so much so that I’ve been filling Roxie orders, and planning TV appearances, book…

As we say in the South, “I’m a day late and a dollar short”, but I do want to let you know The Fairy Fun Roxie Kickoff October 7th at The Peabody was a rousing success…so much so that I’ve been filling Roxie orders, and planning TV appearances, book signings and school readings ever since!  Whew!  It’s good to be busy. But I do want to say a special thank you to all of you who attended and made the day so memorable—with special thanks to Roxie illustrator Morgan Spicer, who came all the way from New Jersey just to meet you all and sign books! 

The Peabody lobby slowly filled with fairy wings as young Roxie fans happily chose their fairy wing color preferences.  Afterwards, they clutched  their signed books, fairy stickers and coloring sheets,  and settled in to intently watch the duck march, looking extra carefully to see if they could get a glimpse of Roxie.   

Thanks so much to the wonderful staff at Lansky Lucky Duck Gifts for their expertise, promotion and many kindnesses in putting together this event.  Thanks to Kelly Earnest, Peabody Marketing Director, for allowing us have this fun gathering in The Peabody’s beautiful lobby and for making Morgan’s stay at The Peabody so memorable.

I’m so happy that Roxie has touched a chord in the hearts of so many!  It may be because she’s a good example for young girls.  Instead of relying solely on fairy dust, she's a fairy who knows what she wants, makes a plan and puts together a team to make it happen!     


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